NOTE:  This section is for advanced users only and involves editing the options file manually

Forte options are stored in a text file call OPTIONS.INI using traditional Windows-style ".ini" formatting.  OPTIONS.INI is located in the user's application data folder.  This folder has been located in different places in different versions of Windows.  As of Windows 7, it is in the C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\brainspawn\forte 3 folder.  A handy way to access this folder is to start Forte and select the menu command "Tools|View INI Files and application data folder" which opens the folder for easy access.

OPTIONS.INI has several [sections].  Many of the settings are configured via the Options|Preferences display (see Configuring Options and Preferences.)  However, sometimes certain advanced troubleshooting options are settable by directly editing OPTIONS.INI.  This section defines some useful troubleshooting options.  Often the option does not exist in OPTIONS.INI by default, which means it takes its default state.  To enable an option, navigate OPTIONS.INI to the specified section (the text with the [brackets] around it) and add or edit the line of text containing the option name and the "=" sign.  After using a troubleshooting option, you may turn it back off by simply removing it or switching its 1 or 0 state. You must restart Forte after saving OPTIONS.INI for option changes to take effect.


SingleStepVSTPluginLoad = 0 (disabled, default) or 1 (enabled)

If SingleStepVSTPluginLoad = 1, Forte prompts you before each step of sending data to a VST plugin during scene load.  You may skip a step by selecting "No" on the dialog box.  The data to be loaded is logged to the log file before loading into the plugin and is also logged if skipped.  If a load operation causes the plugin to crash, the immediately preceding data item is probably to blame, and the raw content of the data is available in the log file.  The log file is called "Forte.log" in the same folder as OPTIONS.INI.  See Log File for more information.

Audio Options

  • StopAudioDuringSceneCapture = 0 (don't stop/restart audio, default) or 1 (stop/restart audio engine during scene capture or update)  If you encounter issues with plugins during scene capture or update, you may try setting this value to 1.  When set to 1, Forte will stop the audio engine during scene capture and restart it if needed when complete.
  • RestartAudioOnMIDIPanic = 0 (don't stop/restart audio, default) or 1 (stop/restart audio engine during MIDI Panic)
  • RestartMIDIOnMIDIPanic= 0 (don't stop and restart MIDI Ports, default) or 1 (stop and restart MIDI Ports during MIDI Panic)


The following options alter the appearance of SceneView:

  • SceneViewFavorSceneNames = 0 (default) or 1.  If 0 when using single-scene songs, the song name will be displayed in SceneView.  If 1 when using single-scene songs, the scene name will be displayed in SceneView
  • StretchBackgroundImage = 0 (default) or 1.  If 1, stretches background images to fit screen

MIDI Meter

The following MIDI Meter options enable highly specialized uses of the MIDI meter:


  • SceneViewMIDIMeterCCMin = 0 (minimum scaled value of MIDI meter in SceneView)
  • SceneViewMIDIMeterCCMax = 127 (maximum scaled value of MIDI meter SceneView)

If missing the defaults are 0-127.  However if you set max = 20, the displayed MIDI meter range will be from 0-20.

VST Plugin Options

The following VST plugin options are available:

  • CreateSeparateJBridgedVSTs = 0 or 1
default = 0.  1 = create a jBridged version of every VST plugin during scan and treat it as an alternate, separate plugin.  This is the behavior of Forte 3 when the "Use jBridge" checkbox is checked in Plugin Manager.